Healthy Guruji

Top 10 Morning Drinks to Lose Weight Quickly

Top 10 Morning Drinks to lose weight quickly

It’s not only about food that can help you lose weight, what you drink also plays an important role. Some beverages can also help you move towards your weight loss goals. A consistent healthy diet and exercise program can only achieve these goals. An early weight loss morning drink may help in increasing your metabolism, supply necessary nutrients, and aid in fat loss. Having a natural drink in the morning is an enjoyable and healthful start to a day. 

1. Jeera Water

Having jeera water on an empty stomach in the morning helps you lose weight quickly by raising your metabolism, reducing hunger, and improving digestion. Cumin seeds are high in Thymol which helps you feel full for a long time and minimize your calorie intake.


  • A glass of water
  • A teaspoon of jeera


  • Add organic cumin whole (seeds) to boiling water, simmer for five minutes, and strain.
  • Soak a spoon of jeera in a glass of water overnight, drain the water the next morning, and drink on an empty stomach.

2. Warm lemon water

A glass of warm lemon water in the morning is a simple and effective way to lose belly fat and body weight as well. Lemon acts as a natural detoxifier and helps the liver eliminate toxins in the body.


  • A glass of water
  • Fresh half lemon


Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. Add a little honey for sweetness. Drink it early in the morning on an empty stomach to get the maximum benefits.

3. Green tea

Green tea can help you cut calories and may contribute to weight lose. The presence of antioxidants and Catechins in green tea helps to burn belly fat. The best time to drink green tea for weight loss is before going for exercise or 2 hours post meals.


  • A cup of water
  • Fresh green tea leaves
  • Honey and lemon(optional)


Add green tea leaves to hot boiled water and let it steep for 1-2 minutes. After that pour the tea into a cup. Add honey or lemon for taste if required and serve hot.

4. Black tea

A mug of black tea in the early morning boosts metabolism and energy levels in the body. As rich in caffeine, this steaming drink burns enough calories to produce heat in the body. This prebiotic drink further helps to improve digestion and lose body weight quickly.


  • A cup of water
  • Tea
  • Honey or sugar(for taste)
  • Lemon (optional)


Boil water in a vessel, once it boils, add the tea, and after a minute turn off the heat. Cover and let it steep for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, pour the tea into a cup. Add honey, sugar, or lemon if required.

5. Ajwain water

Carom seeds (ajwain) in Indian cuisine are a popular spice. Ajwain provides a variety of health advantages, including weight loss. Carom seeds contain Thymol, which increases metabolism and helps to lose belly fat. Carom seeds can also assist in the breakdown of fats and carbs, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients and burn calories. 


  • Carom seeds
  • A glass of water


Mix one spoonful of ajwain with a bit of water. Leave the mixture to rest overnight. In the morning, the drink can be strained or drunk with the seeds after stirring them well.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar drink

This weight loss drink rich in acetic acid helps in digestion and reduces calorie intake. Apple cider vinegar comes from apple juice which is fermented and has an acidic taste. This drink helps you to accelerate fat burning, clear out toxins from your body, reduce blood sugar levels, and help in weight loss quickly.


  • A glass of water
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Honey (if required)


Take a glass of water and mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in it. If desired, you can add honey for sweetness. Drink an empty stomach early in the morning.

7.   Ginger and Turmeric tea

Ginger and turmeric are two important spices known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger aids in digestion and reduces bloating, while turmeric enhances fat metabolism and supports liver health as well. This calming morning drink may help you to boost immunity and weight management.


  • A small piece of ginger diced into thin stripes
  • Turmeric
  • A cup of water
  • Honey 


Add ginger and turmeric to a cup of water. Boil it for 5-10 minutes. After that, strain it and sweeten it with honey. Serve hot. 

8.   Mint and lemon water

Mint is found as a very effective ingredient for losing weight and for weight management. Mint has low calories and helps to promote better digestion and also boost your overall metabolism. Lemon helps you to keep hydrated and makes you feel full for a longer period.


  • A glass of water
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Lemon 


Take a vessel boil water and some fresh mint leaves in it. Once it comes to a boil, remove it from heat and let it become lukewarm. Now squeeze some lemon in this water. Serve in a glass or cup.

9. Chia Seed water

These tiny seeds are rich in fiber, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Fiber in chia seeds makes you feel full and reduces overall calorie intake. Chia seeds contribute to sustaining energy levels and reduced cravings. It helps to increase metabolism and lose weight quickly.


  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
  • A glass of water


Mix chia seeds in a glass of water. Let it sit for a while until the seeds absorb the liquid, forming a gel. Drink this chia water as a hydrating beverage that can help curb cravings.

10. Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice is the most effective drink for weight loss as it is loaded with minerals, vitamins, and fiber. This low-calorie drink keeps you full and provides essential nutrients. It is ideal to drink early in the morning empty stomach for weight loss.


A variety of fresh vegetables like-

  • Spinach
  • Carrot
  • Kale
  • cucumber


To make it, blend a variety of vegetables like spinach, kale, carrots, and cucumbers. It is best consumed fresh and without straining to retain fiber content.


Your weight loss goal may be achieved by having the above drinks consistently, but it’s important to note that no one drink can substitute a healthy diet or exercise. Some beverages mentioned above such as ginger and turmeric tea, jeera, and ajwain water, include thermogenic ingredients which help to increase metabolism, alleviate bloating, and improve digestion. Other beverages include antioxidants which aid in weight reduction and supply hydration to the body.

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